Mount Carmel IPC

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Connecting people through faith, love, and service.

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Group Photo of Mount Carmel IPC Church Members During Sunday Worship

About Us

Mount Carmel IPC

Welcome to MOUNT CARMEL IPC, Tralee (Malayalam Pentecostal Christian Church). Visit us and feel the difference while experiencing the heavenly touch. We are a homely congregation that is very integrated with each other, and we would love for you to be a part of our family Here we will strengthen your faith, encourage you, comfort you, and help you to live lives worthy of GOD, who calls you into His Kingdom. We are a Scripture- based and Spirit-filled Malayalam Pentecostal Church in Tralee, County Kerry, started in 2022 as a small prayer group with family in Malayalam and a small gathering of local people in English on Wednesdays. On 8th December 2024 we decided to join IPC IRELAND & EU REGION to become part of the ever- growing IPC churches around the globe. We as a church love to welcome others from different cultures to attend our church.

Our Mission

We are a church dedicated to walking with God.

Our mission is 'REACHING THE LOST' with the exclusive message of the love of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to seek and save the lost in sin (Luke 19:10). To accomplish this mission, we as a church act as an instrument in the hands of God. We emphasize evangelism, equipping and edifying God's people, and maintaining loving fellowship with one another. We believe the church is a place of worship, fellowship, discipleship, and various ministries, including evangelism, pastoral care, counselling, and gospel conventions.

Proverbs 22:28 says; “ Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set”.

Church Schedule

Service Timings

Sunday Worship Service at Mount Carmel IPC, Tralee


  • Holy Worship Malayalam Service 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  • Sunday School 12:30 PM - 13:30 AM

Week Days

  • Ladies Prayer Meetings 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Our Faith Statement

"We believe that the Holy Scriptures are the revealed will of God, providing an all-sufficient rule for faith and practice."

Contact Us

Address: 25, Lee Drive Ballinorig, Tralee, V92XKK6

Pastor: Pr. John Robinson

Phone: 0892236202


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